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November Recipe: Turkey & Sage Stuffing

Thanksgiving Turkey and Sage Stuffing

Yields – 8 adult size portions









8 oz                  Unsalted Butter, divided (6oz / 2oz)

1-pound            Thick Bread (Texas Toast, or Challah), cubed and left out overnight uncovered

3 cups              Vidalia Onion, small diced

2 cups              Celery, small diced

1 bunch            Fresh Parsley, rough chopped

2 oz                  Fresh Sage, rough chopped

1 sprig              Fresh Rosemary, stem removed, leaves finely minced

5 sprig              Fresh Thyme, stem removed, leaves finely minced

3 cups              Turkey Stock or Bone Broth

2 each              Eggs

To taste            Kosher Salt & Course Black Pepper


  1. Check your bread. It needs to be very dry, like a crouton. If it is still soft, bake it in your oven at 250F for about 10-20 minutes.
  2. When your bread is dry enough, transfer to a large bowl and set aside.
  3. In a large skillet melt your 6oz of butter over medium heat. Add onions and celery and cook until celery is tender, and onions are translucent.
  4. Turn your heat to low and add your herbs. Stir until fragrant.
  5. Pour herb and vegetables over your bread in the bowl. Add half of your turkey stock and mix until everything is coated.
  6. In a separate bowl, whisk together the other half of your turkey stock with your eggs. Pour your egg mix over your bread mixture and toss until well combined.
  7. Pour your bread mix into your favorite casserole dish. Cube up your 2oz of butter and dot the top of your stuffing mixture.
  8. Cover with foil and place in your oven (which is still set to 250F). When you close the door, turn the temperature up to 325F. Set a timer for 35 minutes.
  9. When the timer goes off, remove the foil, and bake for another 20-25 minutes.
  10. Remove from the oven, and enjoy!

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